Monday, January 25, 2010

Thank You For Sharing This Special Day With Us, Baptism Is This Tacky To Do With Thank You Cards?

Is this tacky to do with thank you cards? - thank you for sharing this special day with us, baptism

I had a friend wedding a few days ago and all the presents in the dining room and their little boy came to her and opened a lot of them and threw the paper all that he did not know what is the current map. Do not write a thank-you "standard input" I wanted to adapt to all of them (thank you, for example: Dear Mike and Jessica you for coming to the wedding and share our special day with us. The espresso machine will definitely hand in case this winter ... "etc.), which means that everybody knows that you love the gift he brought, but now she does not realize what a gift, what a mess your card and .. if they understood, and standards to send Thank you cards, or call quite pathetic and explain that her son up from his nap and get a bit of a mess and do what he did. back is not something that just want to know who was sent .. What should we do?


  1. Collect the cards and / or gift tags and the list of those who need to get in touch. Call or write each for each. (No e-mail in this case, because it would be really bad taste.) You can not go wrong for honest and forward. To say something like, "It was so great of you to share our special day with us. I'll call or write properly thank you very much for your donation - if I could after the wedding!, We put all our gifts to the beautiful dining room, but "Attila" (the boy) had all the cute bows and wrapping paper before we could. I think on your card and I have no idea who this is one gift. Can a dear and help me? "If so Friends are invited to laugh with you, is not it, and graciously give you the information you need. Once this is done quickly write a gracious thank you note back. Such things happen. My good friends and family think he is very funny and try to get a good feeling. The right choice.

  2. I just want to send a thank you card standard.

  3. I agree that the label as, "thank you" does not come to the wedding, but the gift itself.

    I also think she would know who did what, not only for the cards. I think it is perfectly appropriate to call and explain what was the gift. I do not want the general maps that would not mention the gift - I think it is tasteless.

    If they do not call, I would like a brief explanation are honest, funny. People can also phone, so you know what you sent.

  4. Lol - I think they have to guess what it is not by a standard card, or 4 was ever - but with one person / one message in each.

  5. I would explain, and. Then send the standard thank-you card. Maybe you can include a photo of her son in the disorder.
